When Life is Tiring, Rest a Moment!
The world is so much busy. In just a moment, it feels like we are going to miss a variety of important events. Do not want to be left behind, we continue to force and push ourselves to follow each path. We do many things without realizing a lot of time has passed. Along with the busy world, we also get very busy.
Having a lot of activities, knowing a lot of things, or following and being updated on many events may sound pretty cool; however, they are going to drain a lot of energy and thoughts. We are not only under mental attack but also physically weakened. With the existed pressures, even with all of the disappointing expectations, we still try to convince ourselves to be stronger and never give up. But wait! Is this truly what we must do?
Sooner or later, the bustle will greatly affect our stress level and makes us feel even more worn out. There should be a moment when we give time for our body and mind to rest. Here at least a few things we can do:
· Let the world be the way it is
Haemin Sunim, through his book entitled The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down, wrote that “The world isn’t inherently joyful or sad; it just is.” No need to force yourself to become what the world says you are. Sometimes, we just need to be ourselves just as the world becomes what it is.
· Take a break!
We are indeed encouraged to keep going forward, and sometimes we even have to run. But this does not necessarily make us forget to stop over and look around. It is good to focus on the destination, but not to discourage us from enjoying the journey. Thus, let’s just take a break for a moment, look around, take a deep breath and we will get a peace of mind.
· Be mindful
This is closely related to mindfulness. It means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment. Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them. This is precisely what we need, with the aim that we can come through all events with full awareness.
Get some rest and take your break. The busy world does not always require you to keep up with it. On the contrary, the world will follow where our thoughts go. Cause what our mind focuses on becomes our world, when our mind rests, the world also rests.
-Northern Ingo-