Let There be Space
We may found ourselves lost since we are having no clues what step should we take. Sometimes, it is not all about our inability to choose the path, yet the never ending interferences which have steered our steps unconsciously. If this happened, then it becomes very important to set the boundaries.
Boundaries defined as anything that marks a border. It’s a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something or the limit of a subject, principle or relationship. Boundaries may become guidelines for people to establish a healthy relationship with the surroundings, especially other people. As we know that we live in the presence of others, it makes us not aware that more decisions are made based on the pressures from the outside than following our own belief.
In a relationship, lovers mostly forget the importance of creating boundaries between each other. Feeling that they are already in a bond, they forget that privacy always remains as the right of each. At the end, this will lead us to many situations where everything we do is always dependent and influenced by our partner. Moreover, it can just become a toxic relationship.
“Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls”. –Khalil Gibran-
It is not always about the relationship between lovers, even with friends we also need to build a boundary. On various occasions we often share stories with friends. Sometimes we also give advices to each other. Nevertheless, we still have to know the boundaries of what stories can be shared and what suggestions can be followed. Cause everything will come back to us, thus we still need to prioritize ourselves in every decisions we make.
“Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music”. –Khalil Gibran-
Another thing that frequently happens beyond our control is the presence of the external factors; such as quotes, motivational books, our favourite artists, or even motivators. At a glance, many of them can provide us with a variety of positive energy, but still, they cannot always be the main reason in deciding and taking every step. We must have integrity which is our own principles and values. Furthermore, of course we are the only one who knows ourselves best.
“For the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow”. –Khalil Gibran-
Setting boundaries may not sound hard to do, but we must not be unaware and let our lives flow without trying to control it. We should understand that it is ourselves who have the full rights over all decisions and do not let others to take it over. All advices will be good if we give them respond wisely. And again, it is okay to set boundaries; it is okay when there comes a time when we just want to be alone.
-Northern Ingo-